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Eva Dame' productions         In association with      Blow the Rocks Studios


Spazmoid Dickie


A Pirate In Texas

 A Charming little Misadventure of Lies and betrayals

 Written and Performed By

 Spazmoid Dickie

 Add. Vocals by Esmerelda Dickie

As the Viking Queen


"Somewhere in Texas around 1850 or so"

 Lights fade in to a school auditorium stage

A Pirate In Texas

School Principal


Attention everybody, Attention. Let’s get started here. Welcome to the first annual

Harris County Speech and Writing Contest. Tonight’s first prize is $5.00 and your name in the Morning Star.

First up to tell his little story of his trip to Galveston is the 14 year old, Sammy Skidwell

Yeah, let’s hear it for Sammy, Come on up here Sammy.

Not too long now. Leave some time for the kids.

Sammy Skidwell



Hi everybody, I’m Sammy Skidwell I want to tell the story of, well  I use to love going to Grandpa and Grandmas ranch on school break, fishing and swimming, raising hell, and across the bay was Galveston, what a  great place, we sure loved it. Full of pirate adventure and lost treasure, and stories of buried gold and hidden secrets too many to know what were true or just made up lies to get the tourists to the beaches. The best days of me life.

Grandpa was always telling me these stories of the past.  I just couldn’t wait to get there to hear his tall tales  We got there right before supper. Grandma was setting the table and Grandpa was snoozing in his favorite chair. I sat in the chair next to Grandpa and watched Grandma hum a song and do a graceful dance as she would set a plate on the table then twirl and  set another and another until all the plates were all set. Then the house girls would join in with the knives and forks and cups and such. It became a mesmerizing dance of beauty which seemed to put Grandpa more asleep. Then after the table was set Grandma would call us all to dinner, say grace and ….


What kind of story is that,


Come on , this sucks ,Me dead Uncle Tells Better stories than that.


 Get on with it Sammy, times a wastin’


"This is the story that Grandpa told to me, now I’m going to tell it to you.

 If you don’t like it you can go #&*@ yourselves"

 Sammy Skidwell

Ok ,where was I . oh Ya

 Even the way Grandma would set the table. Oh it was oh so special

 Play Dacoda Intro-   Curtain rises

 Grandma sets the table

 [Grandma enters with a stack of plates and circles the table then proceeds to set one plate down and then twirl with the music as she sets down plate after plate utill the plates are gone. Disappears to the kitchen then back out with silver ware and two house girls to help. In a danceful way with twirls to the music, they continue to set the table. Back each time for the cups and food and the dance is done. She then announces that dinner is ready and it’s time to eat.]


Supper is ready, all come to eat, If there’s mud on your shoes, please clean your feet.


Oh did I fall asleep, sorry Sammy, We’ll get to the story after supper, You know how Grandma is about people who are late to her table.

  A guitarist and accordion player suddenly appear behind Grandpa as he starts to sing. This happens throughout the story as needed.

A Pirate In Texas


I’m so sorry Sammy, So sorry I fell asleep

Later I’ll tell you a story, after we all eat

A tale of the sea with ships with sails, with pirates and gold

Some lies and betrayals

I’m so sorry Sammy, So sorry I fell asleep


I’m so sorry Sammy, So sorry I fell asleep

Later I’ll tell you a story, after we all eat

A tale of intrigue a tale of war after supper I’ll tell you some more


 Kid- complaining to Grandpa

But Grandpa, you promised to tell me a story before supper. At least start the story now and after supper you can finish, Please, Please, I just can’t wait.


Ah maybe some now, maybe some later

I just hope we have some Pickled Gator


The Ranch House


Play Sailor Went a Sailing-

Sailor Went a Sailin

Words by Brad J. Burton

Music by David Blanchard and Brad J. Burton


Come here boy, Sit beside me, listen to me

I’ll tell you about some men who sailed to the sea.

They left their home and families and all the ones they loved

And then they said a prayer to their god above

Then they got into a sailing ship and headed out to sea

To see if they could try to make some history

They sailed that ship to and fro searching endlessly

For ships with holds filled with gold

Privateers they be.


Now the boat that they were sailing on was owned by Jean Lafitte

A privateer of glory with his own fleet of

Ships that would attack and crush and never knew defeat

If they lost they knew the cost a hangman’s noose they’d meet

So they took their booty back to where they knew that it was safe

A strip of sand in the gulf with no law to break

But their happy life was ending as the Navy sailed in

And they said “Leave this town or become wanted men”


Then what happened Grandpa?

I really need to know

I really, really can’t wait, please tell me more

About the guys who went a sailing, did they make it home?

Did they see the ones they loved or did they die alone?


Maybe later some more I’ll say, about how The States drove them away,

From there home they had for years, they reminisce thru Pirate Tears

Cause they’re a long, long way from home,

And they’re feelin’ so very alone

  Long, long way from home

Now their ship sailed away, they’ll be back some day

To see the place that they love far away


From cabin boy to captain, they planned a many raid,

It had all been legal though that’s not what some would say

Many Galleons slow with gold knew that they were beat,

As soon as they saw the flag of the mighty Jean Laffite

Without the States to back their ploy, Pirates they’d become for sure

And now that they were wanted men, they’d never see their home again


One day their ship was boarded, an attack was by surprise,

But some of them escaped

Right before the eyes of a navy ship,

They gave the slip, in a little boat.

But who’s to know, how long the four, would have to stay afloat.

The rest of the story will have to wait,

Because for supper we are late

So just remember this tale of whoa,

And afterwards I’ll tell you more


[Grandpa sings to kid about his adventures, everyone coming to supper eventually join in on the dancing fun even the clock, paintings and stuffed animals on the wall. All come together center stage to sing all the choruses and the end. At the finish, everyone sits for dinner at the same time, lights fade out black on everything but the table where all are sitting at the table ready to eat.

[Everyone holds hands for grace]




I’ll say grace, all hold hands

Dear lord bless this food, it tastes as good as it smells, and for the lies he will tell please don’t send grandpa to hell.


 All Say


 Grandpa-Clearing his throat and taking a big swig of wine

 Well lets see now, it all started when,

Capt. Laffite sent me to Conn. with a few men

To pick up a new ship to sail the sea

The “Hotspurs” her name, ah what a beauty

 Ah a fine ship she was, she was strong, fast and sleek

With a ribbing of fir and a deck made of teak

After shopping for hats and provisions and such

To Campeche we headed homesick so much




Ya we bought some hats and loaded her up with provisions and headed back to Campeachy.


 Whats Campeachy?


 Campeachy is what Capt. Laffite

Called that little sliver of a land

Back when it was his pirate kingdom

But now its Galveston

But there’s trouble’s a brewin’, this war’s at an end

We need to get back before another begins

So keep on the lookout and always beware

Watch the horizon, watch everywhere


What kind of trouble?


Big Trouble Sammy

Big trouble!!!

 Well just before our arrival home,

Drunken laughter’s the way of the night

Who should pay us a visit, the US Navy

ready for a fight

With guns a blazin’ and cannons a roar, just when we think we can’t take anymore

We snuck into a little boat, And into foul weather

Sailed away into the night the last shot hit me new hats feather


 But why would they do that, I thought you were U.S. war heroes


Well according to Andrew Jackson we were,

We were almost hanged as pirates for sure

But a deal was made by Captain Laffite

Man the cannons and help with a British defeat

After the 1812 war you’ll be on your way

Free to pirate another day

But now they were saying our papers no good

And we were nothing but stinkin’ pirates


Nothing but stinking pirates


Nothing but stinkin pirates

I remember it well

 Play Pirates

[ It’s a good time late in the night on board the Hotspur, Arguing the merits of their newly found status as pirates. With too much drink they fail to notice a U.S. Navy frigate sail next to them, boarding them with ropes, the battle ensues. Slipping out the back way and into a trailing dinghy, four of them escape sailing the opposite way as the battle continues. They are eventually noticed and shot at with muskets as they float away. As Capt. Campbell mocks them for missing,]

[The last Musket shot shreds the feather on his new hat. They escape into the night and continue their argument on the pros and cons of pirateering.]

The Hotspur


 Words and Music by Brad J. Burton

 Oh my lord we love the sea, it’s the best darn place we could ever be

There is one thing that’s bad for me, no place to poop, no place to pee

Except for that it’s pretty grand,

Unless you like to be on land

A hearty boat under foot,

I’d rather stand on solid dirt


All the crew they love the sea, some of them more than me

I was shanghaied, beaten till dead, now I like it like the captain said


Because, we like being Pirates

We have funny hats on our heads

And we know ain’t no use in hiding

Because when they catch us we are dead

Hang you by your head, Hang you ‘til your’re dead


The highlight of the days the food, with all that grog it’s pretty good

It’s not so good like he say but we’re gonna eat it anyway


Because, we like being Pirates

We have funny hats on our heads

And we know ain’t no use in hiding

Because when they catch us we are dead

Hang you by your head, Hang you ‘til you’re dead


Somewhere in the deep blue sea, Someday they will come for me

We know we are on the run, look out lads here they come


Now let’s revue me and the crew, the things we like the most with you

Lots of food the open sea the funnest life for you and me

Fun you call oh contraire, it’s not that fun if you’re there,

I didn’t choose to be at sea, beaten shanghaied chosen for me

And we don’t like your stinking food, because the maggots taste no good

Have you seen me pooping stance, half the time I crap me pants

Even with your whining ways, at the end it seems to say

That one thing we all agree, the life of the pirate is the life for me


Because, we like being Pirates

We have funny hats on our heads

And we know ain’t no use in hiding

Because when they catch we are dead

Hang you by your head, Hang you ‘til you’re dead


Wow Grandpa sounds like you barely got out of that one


 It was close Sammy it was close


We escaped the grasp of the US crew

With the biggest storm of the season a brew

With thunder and lighting and hurricane swells

We thought we were headed

To Davey Jones locker in the depths of hell


And just when we thought our lives were thru

Jesus and his Angels told us what to do

He told us to do what you can to survive

So some of us can stay alive


Wow you saw Jesus


Well I think it was his brother


But at least you got away

Wow that must have been scary


We were just happy to not be hanging from a yardarm Sammy

 So oh how happy at first we be

In our little boat in the sea

Floating about endlessly


Play The Timley Sea

 [At first they are happy with their escape but soon the days pass and hallucinations set in leading them to believe that maybe anything and everything has to be done to survive.  A Dead Mans Fast where they eat nothing but dead men. Straws are drawn and now there are 3. A run in with Jesus, His angels and a Nordic opera singer, they persevere and with rain as water and a little more food they continue to float. Just when the end is near and they are too fatigued to even open their eyes, they run into the dock at Campeachy right in front of the Oyster Saloon.]


The Timley sea

The Timely Sea

Words and Music by Brad J. Burton

 To get us home your help we need, a grand miracle Lord we plead

Like turning water into wine, Jesus did this all the time

I love Him and He loves me

A bigger challenge lies ahead, no grog no shade no maggoty bread

With all on board we won’t last long

So to the sea we sing this song

I love her and she loves me, we all love the timely sea

 All of us in this small boat, not much time and not much hope

To get us home yes to survive, the dead man’s fast will keep us alive

 I can’t tell you what that means because

If you aren’t the last, you become the fast

 Dead man’s fast will help us last

 Bobbing and weaving on waves up and down

My head is spinning, no ships around

Grog is all gone, no food, no land

Ah ain’t the timely sea wonderfully grand


As we sail on, sail on, sail on into the sea

Sail on, sail on, sail on, just you and me


Oh such a long time we’ve floated around

Bobbing and weaving on waves up and down

Hunger has set in, God hear our plea

I hear the angels they’re talking to me


Come to God, Come to God

Jesus He walked on the sea

Come to God

On the Sea of Galilee


Now we must do what we have to survive,

Do what we must to keep us alive

As we float and we float and we follow the stars

Hoping to God, land is not far


We saw God, we know it’s God


Made it this far but I fear, in circles we float land is not near

Time has ran out death in sight, I saw angels I know I’m right

I love her and she loves me, we all love the timely sea,


Why should we fight it, lets go to the light

Give up our hearts, we know that it’s right

Out here for too long, we can’t survive

Looks like we made it, but not alive


And we float and we float in our little boat

Then we die



 I thought I was dead as I hit my head on the dock in front of the Oyster Saloon

But to my surprise a bird shit in me eyes and I knew I was home once again


Play Already There


[Woken up by bird shit and realizing their good fortune, Captain Campbell awakes the others, throwing bones overboard before anyone notices, stands up and dusts himself off, steps onto the dock and starts to sing. Women come over and escort the group into the Oyster Saloon, and the party begins.]


 The Oyster Saloon

Already There

Words and Music by Brad J. Burton

Looks like we made it we’re finally home,

Now we don’t feel so much alone

And we’re glad we got back before we are dead

The sea our eternal bed


Ah the women they come to giggle and swoon

They want us to go to the Oyster Saloon

To throw back some mugs and laugh with no care

Looks like we’re already there, looks like we’re already there


Let’s go inside to pickup the room

We’ll pay for it all with a gold doubloon

And we’ll talk of the past and the lads that we lost

Their  death is part of the cost


We’ll stay up till dawn, singing our tunes,

Dance with the ladies and howl at the moon

And we’ll do it again as the day turns to night

Looks like we’re already there


We’ll take some time off and we’ll get us a crew

Bloodthirsty cutthroats we’re coming for you

Get in our way and we’ll take you all down

See you the next time around, see you the next time around


Ah scuttle a ship, capture  a crew

A few of the things we like to do

As we pillage a village to make a doubloon

Yo Ho we’ll be heading out soon


We’ll stay up till dawn, singing our tunes,

Dance with the ladies and howl at the moon

And we’ll do it again as the day turns to night

Looks like we’re already there



 Wow Grandpa, You made it home and they had a party for you and everything. They must have been your best friends


There was always a party at the Oyster Saloon Sammy,

Whether we were alive or dead.

And with Gods help we had finally made it home

But not to every ones pleasure.


Fearful of no one and no one alone

There was always someone unhappy we’re home

Charlie was always a target for this

Despised and feared and on a short list

Of world class cutthroats who all should be feared

Most of them dead but all revered

Most new arrivals were not always aware

Because they were stupid or just didn’t care

So they’d get in his face call him all sorts of rude things

Ah the angels would laugh as they’re flapping their wings

Cause their death to family and friends would be tearful

Cause Fear is earned at the cost of the fearful

Fear him or heads will roll


Play Uncle Charlie- A new arrival to the island inquires


“Who’s the short little smelly troll with the breath of death that keeps mouthing off about the wisdom of the world and the grandness of his crotch?”


Taken aback by his insolence Capt. Campbell politely reminds him that


“His name is Uncle Charlie he’s the scourge of the sea, don’t ever mess with him or he’ll kill your family”


“What do you mean he’ll kill me family”          

Vocals Start



A Pirate In Texas


He’ll wait ‘til low tide then your body he’ll hide in the sand to your neck

Then the ocean will rise to cover your eyes

And the last thing you’ll see is crabs picking at ye

And Charlie will laugh!!!


[Capt. Campbell telling the insolate newcomer that Charlie is not to be messed with  Then Charlie jumps onto the bar and does a little dance as he announces his willingness to do anything to instill fear into others.

Uncle Charlie

 Words and Music by Brad J. Burton


His name is Uncle Charlie, he’s the scourge of the sea,

Don’t ever mess with him or he’ll kill your family

His name is Uncle Charlie, he is all that you dread,

Don’t look him the eye or you’ll end up dead

But if you need some one who knows,

How to fight when it comes to blows

How to spread the fear of death,

That’s what he does best.


His name is Uncle Charlie, he’s sailed far and wide

If he’s trying to find you, you can’t hide

He’ll track you down, tie you up, hang you upside down,

Fill your pockets full of rocks, in the water he will drown you

As he turns and walks away, with a laugh you’ll hear him say

As he’s singing a little tune, just to warn all the rest of you


Me name is Uncle Charlie, I’m the scourge of the sea

Don’t ever mess with me or I’ll kill your family,

Me name is Uncle Charlie, I am all that you dread,

Don’t look me in the eye or you’ll end up dead


Cause he is the man with the flintlock in hand and a sword on his hip

As the musket balls fly, they’re whizzing on byAnd a sword for your gut!!!

 Even God fears Charlie, place in hell for Charlie

He is the man with the flintlock in hand and a sword on his hip

As the cannons they roar he’ll be swinging onboard

Another sword for your gut

Even God fears Charlie, place in hell for Charlie


He is the man with a flint lock in hand and a sword on his hip

And he’ll kill your family

Where ever we go, we always know, we’ll never get no lip

Or you’ll end up dead

As the cannons they roar, he’ll be swinging on board, another sword for your gut

I’ll kill your family

If he comes to your town and sees you around, another sword for your gut

I’ll kill your family

But if you need some one who knows,

How to fight when it comes to blows

How to spread the fear of death,

That’s what he does best


Me name is Uncle Charlie, I’m the scourge of the sea

Don’t ever mess with me or I’ll kill your family,

Me name is Uncle Charlie, I am all that you dread,

Don’t look me in the eye or you’ll end up dead

Me name is Uncle Charlie, I’ve sailed the Seven Seas,

Many times before your mother gave birth to Ye

I’ve sailed them all big and small since I was a lad

I’ve sailed on ships big and small for captains good and bad


But this you should know if his trust you betray,

A big price you’ll pay

Because he’ll take you on down to the south side of town,

And when no one’s around

He’ll wait till low tide then your body he’ll hide

In the sand to your neck

Then the ocean will rise to cover your eyes

And the last thing you’ll see is crabs picking at Ye

And Charlie will laugh!!!

 His name is Uncle Charlie he’s the scourge of the sea

Me name is Uncle Charlie don’t you mess with me

 His name is Uncle Charlie he is all that you dread

 Don’t look me in the eye or you’ll end up dead

With lots of tall tales and dance, the point is made. Concluding with a passing marching band going thru the audience and grabbing willing participants to join in the frivolity and march to the stage. The end would have to be extended to accommodate this.


Cause I am the man with the plan

To steal everything that we can

I steal from you, that’s what we do;  

Uncle Charlie, scourge of the sea, fear him or heads will roll!!!

Or heads will roll!!!

Uncle Charlie, scourge of the sea, fear him or heads will roll!!!


He’ll take your life, he’ll take your wife

After you’re dead, he’ll cut off your head

‘Cause he’s Uncle Charlie fear him or all your

Heads Will Roll


As the fun continues, a whisper goes thru the crowd, “Jim Bowies a comin, Jim Bowies a comin’, this even got Charlie’s attention. ]

 Play Jim Bowie

Jim Bowie

Words and music by Brad J Burton

Old Jim Bowie he’s a comin’ to town  He’s come to put some money down

For what he wants it’s on its way, They’ll be sailin’ in the next day


They’ve come to town to stock their farm and tell tall tales and lies be told,

And trade in goods new and old and turn them into Southern Gold 


But let me warn you, lets be clearHe is someone to be feared

He’s hunted crocs all his life, He’ll cut you up with his Bowie knife


Old Jim Bowie he’s a comin’ to town,  He’s come to put some money down

For what he wants its on its way, They’ll be sailin’ in the next day


A lot of money to be made, a lot of bribes to be paid

With contraband new and old,

They turn it into Louisiana Gold

A lot of money to be made, a lot of bribes to be paid

And when all of his goods are sold  he turns it into Alabama gold


But let me warn you, let’s be clear like Charlie here, he’s to be feared

He’s wrestled black bears all his life

He’ll cut you up with his Bowie knife


Take the goods where they won’t be found,

There are no laws he won’t go around

Sell them anything they need

He fuels it all with pirate greed


A lot of money to be made, a lot of bribes to be paid

With contraband new and old,

They turn it into Mississippi Gold

A lot of money to be made, a lot of bribes to be paid


Wow Grandpa, Jim Bowie sounds like a real fun guy. I want to be just like him when I grow up.


Watch what you wish for, it might come true

A lot of bad things then can happen to you

As a pirate of Texas, his legend will grow

He died a hero at the Alamo


He died a hero at the Alamo


With Mexicans 10 to 1 advancing their ranks

To surrender the Texans told Santa Ana no thanks

But the General wanted his prize so he said,

No prisoners be taken kill them all dead.


They took no prisoners they killed them all dead


So when you grow up you still want to be

A hero in Texas like old Jim Bowie

Remember his story how he gave his life

If you live by the sword you will die by the knife

We honor them now, heroes to all

Pirates in Texas in war they did fall

Gamblers and dreamer their lives they did give

Remember them well “cause in Texas we live

Heros of the Alamo

[Now after a night of tall tales, women and drink, it was time to go to Papa Woos bath and smoke house. No smoked pork, beef or fish there. No we’re talking about pure crown stamped British supplied Opium. Heaven from Calcutta. Oh Britannia, Britannia rules the waves.]

 Play Late Night Dreams

 [They walk in, lie down, light up and exhale on the vocal cue-   ahhhhhhhhh

At the harmonies in the versus, the other patrons sit up and sing with the captain

 They all sing in the choruses]

The Wizard

Places I’ve not been, Be another man.

Late Night Dreams

Words and Music by Brad J. Burton


Late Night, Great Night dreams, places I’ve not been

But morning comes and takes it all away

Scenic valleys I see, that’s where I’d like to be

But morning comes and takes it all away


Know what it is to know who you are

Take you to places you know that are far
Know what it is to be a man

Help all the people you can


Late Night, Great Night Dreams

Late Night, Great Night Dreams


Back to sleep the times on hand, forget it all be another man

But morning comes and takes it all away

Living in places and doing strange things

Swim under water I’ll fly without wings

These are just a few of the things

Of living a great night dream


Late Night, Great Night Dreams

Late Night, Great Night Dreams




[The last thing he remembers is slave cargo being unloaded from a ship, dragging their chains past the open door of Papa Woo’s]

Galveston Business


-------------Fade to Black



Wow Grandpa, I can’t wait ‘til I’m old enough to do that


It was fun for awhile, but a hard life it was



Well the next few months went pretty well

And business was booming as you can tell

With so much pillage for us to trade

We back it up with gun and blade


With our free time spent at the Oyster Saloon

Dancing and singing we howl at the moon

But early one morning just after sunrise

Long before I usually open me eyes


The meeting bells rings like a shot in my head

Like a few years back when many were dead

From a storm so big it covered the land

And sank half the fleet with many a good man


With tension as thick as the hot ocean air

We were told Lafitte  would soon be there

Well hurry up its early in the day

This is what he had to say


Play Campeachy


Words and Music by Brad J. Burton

 Town Cryer

      Captain Laffite has something to say, all listen well those who don’t will pay

[As the bell rings, An announcement is made by Capt. Lafitte. He has been told that they are to leave Campeachy or be arrested and hung by the neck until dead.

Captain Lafeyette

"It’s a dark day in Campeachy, for why makes no sense

For we’re told to leave with no reprieve

Or suffer the consequence.

We’ve been free to ply our pirate trade in my wonderful pirate kingdom ways

But with all the work we have done, before we’re dead we’re on the run".

 (He then retreats back into the Oyster saloon.)

Captain Campbell

 After all we’ve done after all we lost after all the lads that paid the cost

Our services are out of style, they’ll be sailing here in a little while


What do you mean we have to leave this town?

What do you mean we have to go away

 Times have changed and when they get here they’ll kick us out

Even with all the money we’ve paid

So if that’s the way they want to play

We’ll take everything that we stole,

We’ll bury some then on the run leave the town a burnin’ glow


  Oh C’est la vie, Our Campeachy

Oh C’est la vie

 Because we're on the run now pirates we be

On the run from Campeachy


They can change our name, we’re still the same

Nothing’s gonna change our ways

They look away when they have a say

 and whine when they don’t get there pay


So some of you will sail east almost to New Orleans

You’ll set up a camp and continue your rant

You will be back in business soon


Oh C’est la vie, Our Campeachy

We’ll make them bleed just wait and see

Oh C’est la vie, Our Campeachy

We’ll always be

On the run cause pirates are we

On the run from Campecachy


I think that I’ll be heading north, Texas calling me

 With grazing ground all around

And land that’s almost free.

We’ll get some cattle, let them roam and get them good and fat

Then we’ll drive them down the Old Spanish trail

With New Orleans at the end of that


 Oh, Our Campeacy

We’ll make them bleed just wait and see

Oh C’est la vie, Our Campeachy

We’ll always be

On the run cause pirates are we

On the run from Campeachy


Upon hearing this, Capt. Campbell starts to give the orders to pack up the town and stow it on the boats

With a lot of pirate camaraderie they join together to get the job done

(pirate camaraderie includes but not limited to, fighting, drinking ,whoring, swinging from ropes, sword fighting , drunk singing and more)

He then announces that he will not be joining them but will instead head north into Texas to stake his claim as a rancher.]

As the song ends the festivities continue, segue into

 [Standing on a soapbox sized chest, Capt. Campbell lectures and gives the final orders including the burning of Campeachy to the ground.

As the town burns and the Pirates make their permanent departure from Campeachy. The U.S. navy sails into Galveston Bay as the town burns in the night.]

Play Leave This Town

Leave this Town

Words and Music by Brad J. Burton

Additional music by David Blanchard


In a whorehouse I was born in a northern town

No father to be seen, but lots of mothers around

I left that place and the endless fun

For a brand new life in Lafitte’s pirate kingdom


I left the grime and the slime that comes with the time

And the stink and the smell makes my memories swell

Times has changed for the worst this town is under a curse

We don’t know who to trust ‘cause every deal’s a bust


Gonna leave this town, no I’m never going back

Leave this town, no I’m never going back

Leave this town, put your clothes in a sack

Leave this town, no I’ll never ever come back


Now listen all to what I say, Captain Lafitte has gone away

Buried some loot just in case some of us lose the race

He’s heading east not too far a new Campeachy under the stars

As a symbol of pirate greed we just fill the need


Then we dance and sing our songs

We forget what’s right or wrong, all the lads sing along

Up for work early next day, try to stop us you will pay

Even though we are few, there’s more of us than you


The last thing that we are going to do

Is salvage all the stuff we stole from you

Before we leave with a big sound

We’ll burn this town down to the ground


Burn it down to the ground, Burn it down get out of town

Burn it down to the ground, Burn it down get out of town


Time to get out of town, get our feet on the ground

North is our course with some Longhorns and me horse

Hit the trail by one so if you want to come

Throw your clothes in a sack ‘cause we ain’t ever coming back


Gonna leave this town, no I’m never going back

Leave this town, no I’m never going back


Leave this town, put your clothes in a sack

Leave this town, ’cause I’m never ever, ever coming back


Ah one more time I’m telling you this is what we’re going to do

Empty the town bury some gold, something for when we get old

The captain said when he was around, burn it down to the ground

And all of us who believe still no reprieve


They can’t tell us what to do

Then we sail away to the east into the belly of the beast

One more time we’ll make our escape, one more time they’ll make the chase

Sooner or later as we dread they’ll hang us ‘til we’re dead


Oh dear captain over here, It’s the U.S. Navy as we feared

Here to take our hallowed ground they don’t want us pirates around

So we better run we better leave we all know there’ll be no reprieve

So if we wait , they’ll get their way

We’ll hang for sure the very next day




 And get out of town we did.

As the sun began to rise

Across the bay we headed north with a glowing embers in our eyes.

We soon were joined by shipmates who had not gone with Laffite

So we band together one and all a tough group to be beat

So round the fire late one night we make a final plan

We’ll take it all, all we want, if you get in our way you’re a dead dead man

And now the one thing on our mind the one thing that we need

Is grazing land far and wide for our Texas Long horn breed.


The Ranch


Play Pirate in Texas


[Starts with the Capt. riding alone but soon joined by past crew members who have traded in their pirate gear for cowboy gear. All sing the 2nd verse.

Even the prairie dogs and coyotes sing along in a Disneyesque type fantasy.

In the middle, things turn dark and stormy and they take violently what they want.

Show large projections of towns and ranches burning and the crew laughing with hands on their hips and a smile on their face.

After the middle the sun comes out again, the birds and coyotes sing and the flag of Texas is raised as an independent country beholden to no one.

All join arms and sing the last choruses together.]

 A Pirate in Texas

Words and Music by Brad J. Burton


I’m riding along, just singing my song,

So happy to be, riding free

I’m riding along.

All can say any time of the day is that

Texas is big enough for me


We’ll head up the trail, find land that’s for sale

We’ll build us a home, with lots of room,

For the cattle to roam

Prairie dogs cryin’, and the antelope flyin’

As the sun smiles on my head


Oh the beautiful skies, clouds go rolling by

The birds and the bees and the cotton wood trees

As I ride along singing this sappy song

All I can say is that

Texas ah Texas

Is big enough for me


No more will I roam, this place I’ll call home

As far as I gaze the Longhorns I’ll raise

A new kind of sea

All I can say is that the rest of my days is that

A pirate in Texas I’ll be


Ah the beautiful nights, diamonds twinkling bright

Look at the fireflies, the coyotes sing with pride

Morning comes rolling along, up before the break of dawn

Another grand day in

Texas ah Texas

Is big enough for me


All I’ve seen, everywhere I’ve been

With whispers they say, hope they go away

I’m so sad, a little bit mad

I’ll start again, I’m a Texas fighting man


All we’ve seen, everywhere where we’ve been

With whispers they say, hope they go away

We’re so sad, a little bit mad

We’ll start again, we’re Texas fighting men


Then one more time just for show, we’ll fight if they won’t let it go

We don’t care what they say, That roads behinde me[T1] 

Oh my lord  like at sea, no one knows where we will be

I don’t care what they say  they can’t find me


This is the our plan, we’ll take this old land

Make it our own,

No more will we have to roam

I pity those who make a stand, cause we will kill every God Damn man

We know how to burn a town, we know how to burn it down

Chase them out with pirate fear, this is ours now, stay clear.

Oh our Texas, Land we love

God is watching us from above

If you’re with us, you are free

God bless Texas our new country


So for history let’s be clear, we will rule with pirate fear

Open land and lots of space, Texas is now our place


The Cowboy 

Home, home on the range, it seems a little bit strange

Can’t help miss the sea, I know she misses me

It’s the way it will be.

With the prairie dogs cryin’ and the antelopes flyin’

And the birds and the bees and the cotton wood trees

The stars in the southern night the fireflies glowing bright

As far as the eye can see Longhorns surrounding me

‘Cause Texas is big enough for me


 Curtain falls



And so they raised their cattle and helped make Texas the great state it is today

Grandma told me later that they really got stuck on a sand bar and most of the stories were slightly exaggerated but I’ll leave that up to you to decide what is true or not. And that’s my story about Galveston. Thank you

 Audience Claps and Whistles

 School Principal

Well it looks like were out of time so I guess that means Sammy wins the $5.00 first prize. Here you go Sammy


Boo, String him up, I knew it was fixed


Thanks Uncle Bob, you told me I’d win

 School Principal

 I told you not to call me Uncle Bob

 School Principal

 Run Sammy, they’re on to us,


 Right behind you .

Sammy and  the Principal run up thru the audience with the audience plants chasing them out the door and one person on stage shaking his fist as he yells.

“If we catch you you’re dead”


4 base drum hits then Dacoda  starts and all bow.

Curtin rises and everyone takes a bow


Pickled Gator